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What is Wellness? A dialogue with author Mark Andrew Heathcote

ASEI: What does wellness mean to you? Think of it in a sensory way... smells, sounds, tastes, textures, feelings...

Heathcote: Wellness as a feeling for me is when all the aspects of daily life meet at equilateral geometries, where all parts and parties are harmonized. That being good health work and personal life. That's when the air-is-sweet, and the light the birds sing heavenly and the sun shines brighter the flowers in my garden are a sensory world unto themselves. But sadly, these are almost like some rare star conjunction as things never quite truly want or can-forcibly be aligned. And happen much more by chance than by design. Therefore one can never be too rigid or disappointed when two ends don’t perfectly meet as nothing is ever really in our haphazard control. And we should appreciate all that we do have imperfectly.

ASEI: How do you want to move toward more optimal wellness, for you and others? Think in terms of yourself, your close ones, your community, your country... Heathcote: People are naturally rebellious or easy with some form of constitutional reform whether it’s-for-better or worse. I believe in the freedom of personal choice in all matters. I don’t wish to conduct an orchestra to produce a better form of music. I don’t care to tell someone right from wrong either, as I believe most people learn from the best positive examples anyway and then make their own minds up which ones to follow and how best to behave. I believe it is better to be complimentary than overly judgmental.

Our-identity is fundamental to our development and is under some form of constant attack and, without that, there is no real change or caring community or country, only a dictatorship run by the righteous few.

ASEI: What can you do today, to amplify your own wellness, and that of others? Make a few notes and let them ripple through your day...

Heathcote: I do quite often freely volunteer my services to help others, and if they requested advice that too. One of my work colleagues regularly says he likes to say thank you, and give compliments and praise to people while their alive as and when it is dissevered, he says quite rightly why should we wait until they’re dead and no longer around to hear a kind word, and I agree wholeheartedly with him.

ASEI: Thank you! You can read Mark Andrew Heathcote's work in Anthology House Volume 2, with all proceeds donated to UNICEF.


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