Call for Submissions: What is wellness? We will answer this in Anthology House Volume 2: Creative Visions of Global Wellness.
ASEI Arts is pleased on this Mother’s Day 2020 to announce the inception of a new charity anthology with all profits from the sale of the book, to be donated to UNICEF. To submit to this work, please choose one of the seven categories below, and send your completed work with the following information, to admin@aseiarts.com and the subject line as: "Anthology House Volume 2 Submission," by Tuesday, September 22, 2020 (the seasonal equinox), for consideration to be included in the publication. Please include a short bio and any social media links that you have.
The categories we are including in this journal include:
Fiction - novel excerpts that demonstrate part of a trajectory to greater wellness in the world (show us the good bit, not all of the backstory - it can be from the middle or end of your novel) up to 15,000 words.
Fiction - short stories that show a complete arc from problem-to-solution in a satisfying way, leading into a vision of broader wellness in the world, or that dwell completely in the wellness of the world - up to 15,000 words.
Personal essays or memoir excerpts - show us your personal experience of finding well-being, and how your journey reflects on the potential for even greater wellness in the wider world - up to 15,000 words.
Poetry - long or short - what is your brightest vision for the world? Show it to us in writing - maximum 1,500 words.
Researched Academic Papers - can include dissertation summaries that indicate pathways to opening up specific areas to even greater well-being and good health in the world, with links to the larger body of work. Can be region-specific. Up to 15,000 words.
Shamanic Journeyers - writing from different shamanic visionaries around the world, of positive visions for our global future - up to 15,000 words.
Solutions Journalism - examples you’ve seen of great case studies of global wellness, with specific local stories - and up to 15,000 words.
Visual Artists - writing about how your unique creative process takes you into future visioning for wellness in the world. You can link to a bio or portfolio but we are not planning to publish artwork within this journal. Up to 15,000 words.
Further: depending upon the submissions we receive, we are hoping to also produce a visual interpretation of these global visions—-a shamanic atlas of wellness, if you will—-for future publication, based on the words you offer, and again with all profits after production to be donated to UNICEF.
All authors are gladly thanked in advance for the donation of your time and creativity in supporting this work, and in the resultant donation to UNICEF.
If your submission is accepted, we will send you a contract for publication. No monies will be exchanged between the authors and ASEI Arts at any point. Every contributor will receive a complimentary printed copy of the written volume. If the visual atlas is also produced, every contributor will receive a free digital copy of that art book.
If you have any questions, please post them on our Facebook page, or send an email to admin@aseiarts.com and we will do our best to answer in a timely fashion.
Thank you, happy writing, and Happy Mother’s Day!
p.s. Please have a look at our first anthology, Anthology House Volume 1: a visionary ecology project for a sense of our general perspective and style.