We're updating our Call for Submissions to include solutions-focused creative non-fiction - why? Because it is time to blend fiction and non-fiction into the solutions-writing. The vision and the manifestation become one. Join us in this exploration!
This is the original call, now expanded to include creative non-fiction writing, up to 5,000 words (or an excerpt of a longer piece, of which the excerpt is 5,000 words):
Make your writing count and help with hurricane relief! Publisher ASEI Arts is pleased to share this #callforsubmissions and accept your work for the first annual visionary ecology anthology. All profit from the publication will go to hurricane relief in and rebuilding efforts; donations will be channeled through #HabitatforHumanity, specifically the Habitat Hammers Back initiative. ASEI Arts will contribute editing, designing, publication, distribution and marketing for the visionary ecology anthology. Your writing is your contribution to the relief effort and is accepted with thanks. Please submit your visionary ecology writing, in creative non-fiction, poetry, short fiction, personal letter or novel excerpt form, with up to 3 (three) submissions per person of a maximum 5,000 (five thousand) words per piece or excerpt. Three chapters that total 15,000 words is acceptable. There is no fee to enter and there is no financial compensation for publication. This year's theme is: RELIEF. Interpret this as you wish, as long as the ending of your submitted writing leaves the reader with a visionary and expansive sense of possibility in the natural and human-built world. Submission does not guarantee publication and ASEI Arts reserves the right to select pieces for publication based on interest. We are particularly interested in the intersection of spirit and science. Assume a multi-faith audience will be reading your work so please write and revise to suit this readership. Previously published work (including blogged and self-published writing) may be submitted if you currently hold the electronic and print publication rights. ASEI Arts will hold worldwide electronic and print rights upon publication in the anthology and excerpts may be reprinted, recirculated or published by a new publisher with prior written agreement. Please email questions and submissions to admin@aseiarts.com with "visionary ecology anthology" in the subject heading along with your last name and the name(s) of your work. Please copy the full text of your submissions into the body of the email; attachments may not make it past our filters and will be disregarded if received. We will accept (email only) submissions until December 21, 2017. Final selections will be announced in February 2018. Publication is anticipated on or about March 21, 2018. Ebook and print versions of the anthology will be available for worldwide distribution through Ingram. Contributors who are selected for publication will receive one print copy free of charge. We are running this as a 100% volunteer effort so please bear that in mind when you communicate - we will make every effort to reply in a timely fashion. Send us your best visionary ecology writing! We look forward to reading your inspiring words. -ASEI Arts, a division of Light Vibe LLC, www.aseiarts.com