C.E. Wagner
C.E. Wagner (United States) is the author of the novel excerpt of Repurpose in Anthology House, a visionary ecology project.
C.E. Wagner lives with her son and partner on the outskirts of Bloomington, IN, near the Hoosier National Forest, where she hikes and enjoys creek stomping. She has spent her life working in libraries and teaching Language Arts to secondary school students. After teaching for eleven years, she now works in a library again. When she was younger she lived in the woods for twelve years, thriving and learning a lot living an agrarian lifestyle without amenities like running water. She has been writing for as long as she can remember.
The idea for the novel Repurpose came to Wagner in 2015, when one morning it was raining so hard she wondered if driving to work was worth the risk. Wagner texted the first few sentences to herself while camping in Yellowstone. The rest of the novel came slowly over the next year while she worked as a receptionist. Wagner believes that to solve climate change we need to put forth narratives that explore real solutions rather than merely presenting dystopian stories; Repurpose presents one of these possible solutions.


a visionary ecology project
